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Sage 200 Evolution ZA Ideas Portal

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Sage 200 - ZA

Showing 158 of 158

Evolution Agent Password Expiry date

OUTLINE: Add the ability to expire an agent password after a predetermined period. Describe the shortfall of the current feature to meet the objective outlined above: There is no option to set a password expiry period in Evolution. his feature is ...
16 days ago in  1

Multiple/Split Project Codes per movement

Client would like to allocate multiple project codes to one movement. An example with Salaries, they might only post 1 movement for the cost of Salaries and Wages and would like to analyse this amount by Department without making multiple movement...
11 days ago in  0

Foreign Ledger Balances to appear on TB

I recently had a client who asked me for a TB which shows the foreign balance of the accounts that are held in a foreign currency. Unfortunately the only way to see the foreign balance of an account at the minute is via the on-screen enquiries, fo...
22 days ago in  0

Bin locations

When looking at the enquire screen for the warehouses, it is not showing the binlocations
22 days ago in  0

Access permission to Allow load as template on sales order

Users not to be able to load as template on sales order
12 days ago in  0

As a Sage 200 Evolution customer I would like to have UOMDefPurchaseUnitCode, UOMDefSellingUnitCOde and UOMStockUnitCode fields on the Inventory Transactions Listing Report

These updates will allow us to perform arithmetic functions with these UOM fields to calculate the summary of the transactions quantity in an instead of pieces which is a default stocking unit.
24 days ago in  0

Three Stage Invoicing for Accounts Payable / Inventory

This is useful since it will capture the purchase cycle the same process as the sales cycle. Moreover, for countries like Bahrain where some suppliers will submit the purchase invoice prior to delivering the goods. This is critical especially for ...
25 days ago in  0

Ability to log out idle users from Sage 200

Client wants the ability to log out users that are idle on Evolution. Users sometimes do leaves their stations with Evolution still logged in. To prevent the scenario of another user / person processing any unauthorized entries on another users Ev...
4 months ago in  0 Will not implement

Sage 200 Evolution Voucher Management Cash Up Report Showing Blank Total amounts and Reversals on versions higher than Version 7

May you please correct the Cash up reports for Voucher Management since our clients use the VM as the main receipting platform. The cash up report used to be perfect when it was version 7 now it shows blank totals and reversals are sometimes shown...
19 days ago in  1 Will not implement

To be able to block or disable transaction types that are no longer in use.

To be able to block or disable transaction types that are no longer in use. We have created new transaction types and sometimes the incorrect tansaction types are used in error.
2 months ago in  0