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Sage 200 Evolution ZA Ideas Portal

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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 25, 2024

FNB CAMS : ABA file extensions exported to provide sorting options

This is regarding the AP EFTS sort options for the exported file

Client is using the ABA file extensions

Attachment Image006 shows a screenshot of the exported file for the APRB

Attachment Image005 showing the APRB populated the accounts in alphabetical order

The exported file does not have options to sort the file

Tested using the FNB CAMS and the sorting on the file is the same as the batch

The issue seems to be the ABA file extensions exported

Change Type : Simplifying user processing

Enhancement Short Fall :

The customer finds it harder to reconcile when it is not in Alphabetical order.

Expected Outcome :

This would be great addition to that section of Accounts Payable.

I have had two companies ask me for this feature.

What is the workaround for the problem today?

Currently None

  • Attach files