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.The client is trying to process a Return within Point Of Sale however they DO NOT have the option to select the bin location they are receiving it back into. It automatically reads the bin location from the invoice which is incorrect as they would like to receive it back into another bin location. They are utilizing the Multi Binning Functionality.
It is not a benefit so much as it is a NEED. They are having to fictionally receive the stock back into the same bin location as the invoice that was raised however the location of the stock has moved between the invoice and credit note. Therefore the stock trail is incorrect. They need to then do a bin transfer once the return is processed which is additional work for a Fast Paced retail business
What is the workaround for the problem today?
None By not having this feature what challenges you foresee. Additional work having to always process a bin transfer after processing a Customer Return Bin Stock Locations not always being accurate which causes a nightmare at stock take |