Welcome to the Sage 200 Evolution ideas Portal
Short Description:
The client is not VAT registered and therefore when creating a new company, you should not have to use VAT codes to do processing
Detailed expected outcome:
When creating a new Sage Evolution/200 company there should be a 3rd option regarding VAT whereby you select NO VAT. Then the system should automatically remove all requirements to setup and use a VAT code.
Reason for request – what is the business process ?
The client is not VAT registered and does not in any way want to use VAT on the system. We have deselected all areas relating to VAT but still there are areas whereby a VAT code is required which is additional entry options which are not necessary
Even though the VAT has been de-selected in all modules, when processing a supplier order the system will not allow you to post a supplier invoice without selecting a VAT code.
Note that it takes a very long time to go through each module to deselect every area and transaction type that is pre-set to require either a vat entry or a VAT code.
What is the workaround for the problem today?
None |
Your Designation/Role | Customers Services |
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