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Sage 200 Evolution ZA Ideas Portal

Welcome to the Sage 200 Evolution ideas Portal

Created by Guest
Created on Jun 3, 2024

As a Sage 200 Evolution user, I would like to have an option to disallow discount per inventory item.

As a business user it would be great to disallow discounts on certain inventory items. It is nice to allow an overall discount for some customers but sometimes some inventory items should not allow a discount. On the EDIT INVENTORY ITEM>INFORMATION tab under OPTIONS add a DISALLOW DISCOUNT button. When selected the inventory item would not be discounted when an overall discount is applied to a document. Line discounts for the inventory item should still be allowed.

Describe the shortfall of the current feature to meet the objective outline above:

Currently overall discount on an invoice is too rigid. It would be great to prevent certain inventory items from being discounted.

Describe why this enhancement is needed:

Many businesses allow an overall discount to some customers however there are some inventory items that have small margins or are loss leaders - pricing on these items is normally minimal and not further discountable.

What is the workaround for the problem today?

No workaround

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